Cherished Coffee Cake and Chat
Coffee, Cake and Chat is a great introduction to Cherished.
We meet weekly, even in the school holidays and in the first instance we just want you to walk through the door.
If you suffer with anxiety, our regular ladies join and leave as they need throughout the two hour session; So you hopefully will not feel like you have to stay longer than you are comfortable with.
You will probably have been controlled by your partner, and maybe even by some professionals working with you. Our aim is to just be a friend. Our volunteers have had similar experiences to you, you will be surprised just how similar these experiences are. We all should have done some things different but we could not.
We use our own personal experiences to support you with your situation, the ladies can tell you how long different agencies will be involved, who all these people are who ring, which of our courses helped them and which places they felt helped them get what they needed. We do not charge, but we ask when you are further down your journey, you will help the new lady by being that friendly, safe face when they walk through the door.
For more information please get in touch with us.